FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

General information en delivery

Here you can find answers to more general questions and our delivery times.

Do you also deliver to private customers?

Unfortunately, UXEM only supplies to companies. For private customers we have 2 web shops where you can order records. See Redux.nl en Uxfoam.nl.

What about the finishing of products?

How do I know which material is suitable for my application?

What are the average delivery times?

Can I also come by?

Can i order some samples?

Fequently asked questions about different materials/products en applications

We offer more than 150 different types of foam! Read below to learn more about the various types of foam.

What are ECOfoams?

ECOfoams are environmentally friendly polyurethane foams that consist of 25-50% natural raw materials. They are designed with sustainability and circularity in mind.

What is the difference between polyether foam and polyester foam?

Are polyurethane foams recyclable?

What is the difference between crosslinked and non-crosslinked polyethylene foam?

How does filter foam work and what makes it different from other filter materials?

Do you have questions?

At UXEM, we are happy to assist you. If you have any questions about our products or services that were not answered in the questions above, please feel free to contact us.